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Data Fundamentals for Businesspeople

4 SessionsSaturdays₱25,000BGC

Learn how to use data to drive change and achieve your business objectives

In today’s world, data is everywhere. Knowing how to work with data has become an essential skill – how to use it to generate & communicate insights, and translate them into decisions & actions. In this course, you will understand data’s pivotal role in business, how problems can be solved using data models, and how to effectively visualize & communicate using data.

Next Available Batch

May 3, 10, 17, 24


Jul 5, 12, 19, 26

Sep 6, 13, 20, 27


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What you'll learn

We have more access to data than ever. But how do you use this data productively, and not get bogged down with information & analyses that don’t actually translate into actionable insights? In this session, we will get a deeper and more practical understanding of data science and how it can be used in business – identifying business problems, framing them properly, and utilizing an analytical framework, along with data models, to solve these problems.
By the end of the session, you will know:
  • The meaning of Data Science and the role of data in business
  • The Analytical Framework: How problems can be solved using data models
  • Data science use cases: Five types of questions that data science and machine learning can answer
  • The components of a modern data ecosystem
After we’ve understood the power of data in solving business problems, the next step is to prepare our organization/team to be able to execute the data analytics process successfully. In this session, we will discuss the lifecycle of data including where & how to get it, the various roles & skillsets needed in a data-driven organization, as well as the use cases of data science across different industries.
By the end of the session, you will know:
  • The lifecycle of data: How to do proper data collection and preparation
  • The common data roles needed in a modern data-driven organization
  • Skillsets needed for careers in data science
  • Key use cases of data science and machine learning across different industries
  • Key ethical considerations in analytics
In this session, we will begin learning how to tell compelling stories with data. We will learn how to analyze data, draw insights from it, and visualize it such that it can be used effectively to inform business decisions. We will also learn how to use data analysis and visualization tools beyond Excel, such as Power BI.
By the end of the session, you will know:
  • Design principles behind data visualization
  • A selection method for the most appropriate visualization for data and insights: Visualizing categories, relationships, time series, parts of a whole
  • Data analysis and visualization tools beyond Excel
  • The basics of Power BI through simple, hands-on exercises
Building on our learnings from insighting and data visualization – in this session, we will work with larger and more granular datasets. We will gain an understanding of the rigorous, experimental, behind-the-scenes, and oft-hidden process of cleaning and exploring data before it arrives in summarized form. Armed with a more detailed understanding of our data, we will then be in a better position to turn insights & visualizations into a coherent narrative that can move our audience toward actual business decisions & actions.
By the end of the session, you will know:
  • How to handle large datasets: Data cleansing, exploratory analysis, and data summarization
  • The difference between visualizing data for exploration & investigation vs. for presentation of end-results
  • The importance of words (chart titles, labels, annotations) as vital components of data visualization
  • Guidelines in crafting data narratives
  • Understand how data can be used to solve business problems
  • Prepare your team to become more data-driven
  • Generate actionable insights from data
  • Learn data visualization principles and techniques
  • Construct and deliver powerful narratives using data

Learn how to use data to solve business problems and tell compelling stories that lead to concrete decisions and actions.